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All of us know that for accomplishing something, one needs to actually work hard for it, Tantra and Mantras here can help you to fix your concentration on your goal, provide spiritual help for them and lay an effect or two on your goal. Mantras and Tantra provide a 100% complete solution to your elite goal, so think about it.
The majority of these tantras are written in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakit, Tibetan, Hindi, and Bengali. These texts are encyclopedias of esoteric wisdom, covering topics such as creation and destruction of the universe, worship of the gods, spiritual disciplines, rituals, occult powers, and meditations. They also discuss the subtle anatomy of the body including the chakras (spiritual centers) and the connection paths between them through which the kundalini energy travels.
These are a couple of the most feared concepts in Indian astrology and they belong to Saturn. They are Sade Sati and Dhaiya of Saturn. Let's first start with Sade Sati.
This is one of the most dreaded and feared beliefs in Indian astrology. It is believed that when Saturn visits the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from the house where Moon is placed in the horoscope of a person, the Sade Sati of Saturn is in effect. To simplify the concept if Moon is in Leo sign in a horoscope, when Saturn transits through Cancer, Leo and Virgo, the person is Said to be under the effect of Sade Sati of Saturn and all kinds of tragic evenets may happen to him according to some propagated beliefs. And if Saturn is placed in Cancer, Leo or Virgo in someone's natal chart or birth chart when Moon is placed in Leo, the person is said to be born under the effect of Sade Sati.
Kaal Sarp Yog and Kaal Sarp Dosh are one and the same thing. When in a Horoscope, all the seven planets namely Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are placed between Rahu-Ketu Axis i.e North and South nodes of Moon, then Kaal Sarp Dosh or Kaal Sarp Yog is said to be formed in that horoscope.
Depending upon the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the Horoscope, the effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh may differ and the persons having Kaal Sarp Dosh in their horoscope may suffer accordingly. For example, a person may suffer with delayed marriage or disturbance in married life due to the presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh in his horoscope, whereas some other person may feel obstacles in his professional life due to the presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh in his horoscope, someone else may get some serious disease or diseases due to presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh in his horoscope and someone may not be having a child due to the presence of Kaal Sarp Dosh in his horoscope.
So the effect of Kaal Sarp Dosh will be different for every horoscope depending upon the placement and strength of Rahu and Ketu among some other factors in a horoscope.
In Indian astrology it is believed that if Mars is placed in any of the houses 1,2,4,7,8 or 12, in a Horoscope where the rising sign or the Ascendant is taken as the first house, Manglik Dosh is said to be formed in that horoscope.
This Dosh is usually said to delay the marriage of the affected person and create disturbances even after marriage or in the worst cases it may cause the death of the spouse. And it is advised by some astrologers that a person having a Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope should only marry a person who also has Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope.
According to these astrologers, the bad effects of Manglik Dosh present in a horoscope are reduced or even canceled if the person marrying the first person is also having Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope. As we now know the basic definition of Manglik Dosh, so let's analyze it further.
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