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Relationship is the most challenging problem and the most powerful emotional experience on the earth plane. Soulskeep coming to the earth plane to master these emotions and experiences. It can fill the heart withjoy or thrust a knife into the heart of people involved in a relationship. Relationship is emotional and that is why, it is hard tocontrol or regulate it. It is a matter of the soul and its dealings during the past life times.
Solutions are provided by us related to the Relationship issue. It is considered to be the most challenging problem and the most powerful emotional experience on the earth plane. To deal with the relationship problems of the clients, various suggestions are given by the astrologers. If the suggestions are followed by the clients, they can overcome from their problem. Love guru . Match making. Love marriage specialist Business loss, Get your love back, Vastu Astrologer, Love problem solution. Maharishi Pankaj is a love problem specialist, he is astrologer specialist guru, spell, worlds no 1 astrologer, make a call and solve your problem as love marriage problem solution, get lost loveback and love life solution, make strong love spell with astrologer and spiritual healer 100% guaranteed solution. Maharishi ji solved all hard problems of life for example as Husband-Wife Relationship, Court Case, Love/Inter Casste Marriage, Get Back Love . Anything that has to do with any form of Relationship can be analyzed in depth in Vedic Astrology. Major problems with seemingly impossible solutions in real life can be solved easily when analyzed from the astrological angle.
For instance, a relationship with your 'mother' can be investigated by studying fourth house (Mathru Bhava) from Lagna and AL, Moon (Signifactor for Mother), Mathrukaraka planet, the Chaturtamsa chart (D4) etc. Post analysis, effective remedies, Pujas and Yajnas can sort out the relationship issues, bring in cohesiveness and help maintain a healthy relationship with your dear and near.
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